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Special Topics -Sensory integration and developmental delay

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Sensory Integration

Sensory Integration plays an important role in children's development. Our centre will employ sensory integration therapy skills to assist children with Austism, Asperger Syndrome, Developmental Delay, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Learning Disabilities to improve their physical ability, coordination development, attention skills, self-control skills, social and communication skills. To learn more about the theory, evaluation and training method of sensory integration, click here ( link to Chinese interface).

Child Development Milestone -- Developmental Delay

Children grow and go through changes in skill development at their own rate once they are born. This is what we known as child development. It is a process every child goes through. Developmental delay means a child up to age six due to different reasons (including cranial nerves, physical illness, psychological or environmental problem) experiencing any significant lag in their cognitive, physical, speech and language, psychological development. To learn more about Developmental Delay, click here ( link to Chinese interface).

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