Cecilia Lui
Speech Therapist
Master of Arts in Linguistics, The University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Science in Speech & Hearing Sciences with Second Class Honours (Division One), The University of Hong Kong
Diploma in Child Psychology, S.A.C. Dip(Child Psychology)
Qualified HKCOLAS examiner
Had attended workshop on IOSM (TnT) for autistic children
Certified VitalStim Therapy Provider
"Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy" & "Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy-KID" Provider
Worked as Paediatric Speech Therapist for over 20 years
Provided speech, language and swallowing assessment and intervention to patients with different ages in private clinics, Early Education and Training Centres, mainstream primary schools, special schools, hospitals and elderly home.
Had been the Honorary Assistant Professor in Clinical Supervision for The Division of Speech & Hearing Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
Organised and delivered talks and workshops on different topics for teachers, allied health professional, social workers, child care workers and parents.
Guest Lecturer of The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong
Provided services to the students with special educational needs in mainstream schools

Jessica Ma
Speech Therapist
Bachelor of Science in Speech & Hearing Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
Professional Diploma in Applied Psychology
Qualified The Hong Kong Cantonese Oral Language Assessment Scale (HKCOLAS)
Member of The Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists (HKAST)
Talktools Oral Placement Therapy Level 1 & 2
Certificate in Differences, Relationship Based Model (DIR Floor Time TM) Play Therapy for Children with Autism
Certified trainer of Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
PROMPT Trained therapist
Qualified Hong Kong Graded Character Naming Test (HKGCNT) User
Qualified the Main Concept Analysis (MCA) of Oral Discourse Production User
Certified provider of More Than Words® The Hanen Program® for Parents
Certified Lidcombe Program provider
Certified K-Taping® for speech therapy provider
Regregister of Speech Therapist (Accredited by Department of Health)
Provided individual assessment, and individual and pair-up treatment services to children at Early Education and Training Centre (EETC) as a student clinician
Provided individual assessment, and individual and pair-up treatment services to physically handicapped student at a special school as a student clinician
Provided speech therapy services to children at the Speech, Language and Hearing Clinic of the University of Hong Kong as a student clinician
Provided swallowing assessments for patients at Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Tung Wah Easter Hospital and Queen Elizabeth Hospital as a student clinician
Provided assessment and rehabilitation services for adult patients at the Community Rehabilitation Network of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation
Provided services to the students with special educational needs in mainstream schools

Alice Lee
Speech Therapist
Bachelor of Science in Speech & Hearing Sciences with Second Class Honours (Division One), The University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, The University of British Columbia, Canada
Qualified HKCOLAS examiner
Certificate of Oral Placement Therapy (OPT) (Level 1)
Certificate of Application of Music Therapy-Autism (learning & communication)
Certificate of The Lee Silverman Voice Treatment-LOUD (LSVT®)
Certificate of The McNeil Dysphagia Therapy Program (MDTP)
Certificate of Achievemeat in Introduction to PROMPT -
Regregister of Speech Therapist (Accredited by Department of Health)
Accelerating Reading Ability
Accelerating Morpheme Awareness
Certificate on Sensory Processing Disorders for Speech Therapists
Was a teacher in special school for the severe grade mentally handicapped students
Provided speech and language assessment and intervention for preschool children at the Speech, Language and Hearing Clinic of the University of Hong Kong and Integrated Child Care Centre as a student clinician
Provided speech and language assessment and intervention for school-age children at the Evangel Children's Home and in special school for the severe grade mentally handicapped students as a student clinician
Provided Speech, language and swallowing assessment for adult patients at Queen Elizabeth Hospital as a student clinician
Provided Speech, Language and swallowing assessment and rehabilitation services for adult patients at Yau Ma Tei Specialist Clinic Extension and the Community Rehabilitation Network of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation as a student clinician
Provided services to the students with special educational needs in mainstream schools
Katie Chow
Speech Therapist
Master of Science in Educational Speech-Language Pathology and Learning Disabilities, The Education University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Social Science, Major in Psychology and Criminology with Second Class Honours (Division One), The University of Hong Kong
Provided individual assessment, individual and group treatment services to children at NGOs as a student clinician
Provided individual assessment, individual and pair-up treatment services to preschool to school-age children at social service centres as a student clinician
Provided individual assessments and services to students at Schools for Social Development as a student clinician
Provided individual assessments and treatment services to adolescents and adults with ASD at Support Centre for Persons with Autism (SPA)
Provided Speech, language and swallowing assessment for patients at public hospital as a student clinician
Provided individual Speech, language and swallowing assessment and rehabilitation services for adult patients at the Community Rehabilitation Network of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, elderly home and at a sheltered workshop as a student clinician