Diagnostic Assessment
Pediatrician or Clinical Psychologist will use different standardized diagnostic tests and clinical observation for the following diagnosis:
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
Developmental Delay
Learning Difficulties
Specific Learning Disorders
Other developmental problems
Children will be referred to the Social Welfare Department for pre-school rehabilitation services according to the child's needs, including Early Education and Training Centre, Integrated Programme in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre and Special Child Care Centre.
Diagnostic Assessment
Diagnostic Assessment
Pediatrician or Clinical Psychologist will use different standardized diagnostic tests and clinical observation for the following diagnosis:
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
Developmental Delay
Learning Difficulties
Specific Learning Disorders
Other developmental problems
Children will be referred to the Social Welfare Department for pre-school rehabilitation services according to the child's needs, including Early Education and Training Centre, Integrated Programme in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre and Special Child Care Centre.
Diagnostic Assessment
A . Sensory Integration Assessment感覺統合評估
To assess children’s abilities in sensory registration, processing and integration through standardized
tests and clinical observation.
Assessment and evaluation Tools:
1. Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT)
To evaluate Sensory Integration and Praxis function of children from 4-8 years 11 months.
It consists of 17 subtests. Occupational Therapist may administer some or all subtests as
indicated in specific situation. Administration time for the whole test is about 4 hours
(it is suggested to administer the whole test in two separate days).
2. Sensory Profile or Chinese Sensory Profile
Questionnaires will be completed by parents on children’s sensory functioning in daily activities.
3. Clinical observation
Through different sensori-motor activities, evaluate children’s ability and performance in processing
and integrating in response to various kinds of sensory stimulations.
Occupational Therapy Assessment
Sensory Integration
A . Sensory Integration Assessment感覺統合評估
To assess children’s abilities in sensory registration, processing and integration through standardized
tests and clinical observation.
Assessment and evaluation Tools:
1. Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT)
To evaluate Sensory Integration and Praxis function of children from 4-8 years 11 months.
It consists of 17 subtests. Occupational Therapist may administer some or all subtests as
indicated in specific situation. Administration time for the whole test is about 4 hours
(it is suggested to administer the whole test in two separate days).
2. Sensory Profile or Chinese Sensory Profile
Questionnaires will be completed by parents on children’s sensory functioning in daily activities.
3. Clinical observation
Through different sensori-motor activities, evaluate children’s ability and performance in processing
and integrating in response to various kinds of sensory stimulations.
Occupational Therapy Assessment
Sensory Integration
B. Fine-motor Development and Pre-writing skills Assessment小肌肉發展及寫前技巧評估
To evaluate and provide appropriate training or advices on children’s Fine-motor development,
Co-ordination and Writing skills.
Assessment and evaluation Tools:
1. Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (PDMS)
Provide early childhood motor development assessment on both gross-motor and fine-motor
skills for children from birth to five years old. Administration time for each subtest is about
20-30mins and 45-60 mins for full assessment.
2. Bruninks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT-2)
To evaluate the motor proficiency in gross motor and fine motor skills of people from 4-21 years
old through different activities. Administration time is about 15-20 mins for short form and 45-60 mins for full test.
3. Movement Assessment Battery for Children (Movement-ABC)
The test is one of the most frequently used test for motor impairment and delay of children aged
3- 16 years 11 month. Administration time is about 30mins.
4. HK Preschool Fine Motor Development Assessment (HK-PFMDA)
The standardized assessment tool in Chinese developed on the basis of the normative data of local
children. Assess the fine motor development of pre-school children aged up to 6 years old.
Administration time is about 30-45mins.
5. Grooved Pegboard Test
To evaluate the manipulative dexterity and visual motor co-ordination.
6. Power grip strength Test
7. Clinical observation
To assess children’s abilities in fine-motor and pre-writing skills through different activities.
Occupational Therapy Assessment
Fine motor and pre-writing skills
B. Fine-motor Development and Pre-writing skills Assessment小肌肉發展及寫前技巧評估
To evaluate and provide appropriate training or advices on children’s Fine-motor development,
Co-ordination and Writing skills.
Assessment and evaluation Tools:
1. Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (PDMS)
Provide early childhood motor development assessment on both gross-motor and fine-motor
skills for children from birth to five years old. Administration time for each subtest is about
20-30mins and 45-60 mins for full assessment.
2. Bruninks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT-2)
To evaluate the motor proficiency in gross motor and fine motor skills of people from 4-21 years
old through different activities. Administration time is about 15-20 mins for short form and 45-60 mins for full test.
3. Movement Assessment Battery for Children (Movement-ABC)
The test is one of the most frequently used test for motor impairment and delay of children aged
3- 16 years 11 month. Administration time is about 30mins.
4. HK Preschool Fine Motor Development Assessment (HK-PFMDA)
The standardized assessment tool in Chinese developed on the basis of the normative data of local
children. Assess the fine motor development of pre-school children aged up to 6 years old.
Administration time is about 30-45mins.
5. Grooved Pegboard Test
To evaluate the manipulative dexterity and visual motor co-ordination.
6. Power grip strength Test
7. Clinical observation
To assess children’s abilities in fine-motor and pre-writing skills through different activities.
Occupational Therapy Assessment
Fine motor and pre-writing skills
C. Handwriting Assessment抄寫能力評估
Using series of standardized assessments and clinical observation to evaluate children’s handwriting difficulties in order to come up with training plan and recommendations to parents and schools.
Assessment and evaluation Tools:
Standardized Handwriting Speed Test for local Primary and Secondary School Students
To evaluate the speed of copying Chinese and English passages
1. Test of Visual Perceptual Skills (TVPS)
This test assesses the visual perceptual skills of students aged 4 to 18years 11 months, including:
1.1 Visual Discrimination
1.2 Visual Memory
1.3 Visual Spatial Relationship
1.4 Form Constancy
1.5 Visual Sequential Memory
1.6 Figure ground
1.7 Visual Closure
2. Motor-free Visual Perceptual Test (MVPT)
A short test that assesses the Visual Perpetual skills of children from 4 to 11 years old.
3.Developmental Eye Movement Test (DEM)
To evaluate 6-14 year-old student’s oculomotor control.
4.Berry-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration (Berry VMI)
To assess Visual-motor Integration ability from 3 years old to adult.
5. Clinical Observation: On handwriting legibility, copying skills, and other related behavior
6. Other related fine-motor assessments
Occupational Therapy Assessment
Handwritting performance
Visual Perceptual Skills
C. Handwriting Assessment抄寫能力評估
Using series of standardized assessments and clinical observation to evaluate children’s handwriting difficulties in order to come up with training plan and recommendations to parents and schools.
Assessment and evaluation Tools:
Standardized Handwriting Speed Test for local Primary and Secondary School Students
To evaluate the speed of copying Chinese and English passages
1. Test of Visual Perceptual Skills (TVPS)
This test assesses the visual perceptual skills of students aged 4 to 18years 11 months, including:
1.1 Visual Discrimination
1.2 Visual Memory
1.3 Visual Spatial Relationship
1.4 Form Constancy
1.5 Visual Sequential Memory
1.6 Figure ground
1.7 Visual Closure
2. Motor-free Visual Perceptual Test (MVPT)
A short test that assesses the Visual Perpetual skills of children from 4 to 11 years old.
3.Developmental Eye Movement Test (DEM)
To evaluate 6-14 year-old student’s oculomotor control.
4.Berry-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration (Berry VMI)
To assess Visual-motor Integration ability from 3 years old to adult.
5. Clinical Observation: On handwriting legibility, copying skills, and other related behavior
6. Other related fine-motor assessments
Occupational Therapy Assessment
Handwritting performance
Visual Perceptual Skills
Speech, Language and Swallowing Assessment For English-speaking children 言語及吞嚥能力評估
Areas of Evaluation include:
Oral motor skills, the efficiency and effectiveness of swallowing, pre-verbal skill, social communication
skills, language comprehension, language expression, speech and articulation, speech fluency, voice quality, etc.
Assessment and Evaluation Tools:
A. Preschool Language Scale 5
To evaluate the receptive (understanding of language) and expressive (ability to use language)
communication skills of English-speaking children from birth to age 7 years and 11 months.
B. Reynell Developmental Language Scales
To evaluate the receptive and expressive communication skills of English- and Cantonese- speaking
children aged 1 - 6 yr.
C. Symbolic Play Test (SPT)
To evaluate children’s spontaneous non-verbal play activities in a structured situation
D. Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation 2
To examine the articulation skills of children aged 2 yr. +
E. Informal Language and Swallowing Evaluation
This comprehensive checklist is administered to children who cannot complete standardized testing.
It covers all the areas in communication.
Speech Therapy Assessment
Speech, Language and Swallowing Assessment For English-speaking children 言語及吞嚥能力評估
Areas of Evaluation include:
Oral motor skills, the efficiency and effectiveness of swallowing, pre-verbal skill, social communication
skills, language comprehension, language expression, speech and articulation, speech fluency, voice quality, etc.
Assessment and Evaluation Tools:
A. Preschool Language Scale 5
To evaluate the receptive (understanding of language) and expressive (ability to use language)
communication skills of English-speaking children from birth to age 7 years and 11 months.
B. Reynell Developmental Language Scales
To evaluate the receptive and expressive communication skills of English- and Cantonese- speaking
children aged 1 - 6 yr.
C. Symbolic Play Test (SPT)
To evaluate children’s spontaneous non-verbal play activities in a structured situation
D. Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation 2
To examine the articulation skills of children aged 2 yr. +
E. Informal Language and Swallowing Evaluation
This comprehensive checklist is administered to children who cannot complete standardized testing.
It covers all the areas in communication.
Speech Therapy Assessment
Special Pre-School Teacher Training Assessment
Assessment and evaluation Tool: Developmental Assessment Chart
For children aged 0-6, to assess their ability and needs in following areas of development, including cognitive, adaptive, communication, social/emotional and motor skills. To further understand their readiness to learn, to adapt to new situations and to cope with different life situations.
Areas of Evaluation include:
Cognitive abilities
To assess children’s ability in learning, thinking, problem-solving, adapting and coping skills, including sensory and perceptual processes, spatial relationships, causal relationships, concepts of shapes, colors, numbers, objects and early mathematics and literacy skills.
Self-care ability
To assess children’s ability in performing personal care tasks, including eating, toileting, dressing, hygiene and other domestic and life skills.
Social-Emotional DevelopmentTo assess children’s ability in interacting with peers and controlling their emotions, including concepts of self, communication skills, play skills, coping skills and emotional regulation skills.
Special pre-school Teacher Assessment
Special Pre-School Teacher Training Assessment
Assessment and evaluation Tool: Developmental Assessment Chart
For children aged 0-6, to assess their ability and needs in following areas of development, including cognitive, adaptive, communication, social/emotional and motor skills. To further understand their readiness to learn, to adapt to new situations and to cope with different life situations.
Areas of Evaluation include:
Cognitive abilities
To assess children’s ability in learning, thinking, problem-solving, adapting and coping skills, including sensory and perceptual processes, spatial relationships, causal relationships, concepts of shapes, colors, numbers, objects and early mathematics and literacy skills.
Self-care ability
To assess children’s ability in performing personal care tasks, including eating, toileting, dressing, hygiene and other domestic and life skills.
Social-Emotional DevelopmentTo assess children’s ability in interacting with peers and controlling their emotions, including concepts of self, communication skills, play skills, coping skills and emotional regulation skills.